Wow, one out of every three people are affected with arthritis according to eh CDC! That is a new one on me. There are many forms of it, the most common being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Lets start with the definition of a Joint: it is where two or more bones come together and they are covered by cartilage which cushions the joint. This cushion is present to allow movement of the joint without pain. There is also a lining called the synovium, which produces synovial fluid, that nourishes the joint and keeps down friction. There are also the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that support the joint as well. Back to arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form occurring when the cartilage covering the ends of the bones starts to deteriorate.
Without the cartilage, the bones start to rub on each other and that leads to a cascade effect of pain and swelling. It can occur in any joint and is most common in the weight bearing ones, often occurring as time passes (aka with “age”). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease that can happen at any age and can be long lasting. It can affect any joint, but is most common in the hands, wrist, and knees. The immune system (our defense system) attacks itself (I know, bizarre), and causes an inflammation in the joint lining (the synovium). The inflammation spreads and can reek havoc on the surrounding cartilage and bones. The most common symptoms of arthritis are pain, swelling, stiffness, redness, and warmth of the joint. Causes are vast, but age, gender (women over men), obesity, environment and work (repetitive stress, lifting), and diet.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at “arthritis” as bi (bone) syndrome, and occurs when there is a blockage of the normal flow of qi (energy) in the body. It looks at the cause and how it manifests. For example, is the joint hot and swollen (that would be more of a damp heat bi syndrome), or is it worse when it is cold/damp and raining out (that would be cold damp bi syndrome). TCM will look at all the factors of your life, work, diet, exercise, how your body is working together, stress, emotions, and any history of trauma and come up with a pattern differentiation (diagnosis) and work with you on the best treatment protocol. It will often include acupuncture, Chinese herbs, exercise, bodywork, moxibustion, and dietary recommendations. It takes time to treat, because of course it took time to get to the point of it occurring in the body, but TCM can be a fantastic alternative to the more conventional Western treatments which often include medicines which can be harsh on your body. So if you, or someone you know has this disharmony occurring, do not think you have to “live with it”, or “its just part of getting old,” seek out a licensed practitioner and start living life a pain free!
What a magical and powerful thing it is indeed. Qi/Chi (sounds like Chee) is your go-go juice for lack of a better translation. It is the “energy” that allows us to live, breathe, digest, feel, walk, run, think, etc. Without it we, this body as we know it would die. Qi is much more than all of this. It is within everything, not just us. The trees, rivers, oceans, animals, etc. (again), all have qi within and around them animating them as well. Can this be quantified or seen, people have and are trying. There are several machines that can “see” patterns of qi, areas of qi concentration along the acupuncture points, and those that can “manipulate” qi. Energy workers, acupuncturists, body workers, down to yes, traditional western docs all manipulate qi. We all do it in unique ways, Anything we choose to “do” to our bodies will “help” or “hinder” our qi. For example, if you wake up after a good nights sleep, stretch, perhaps do some yoga, go for a run, eat well balanced, organic foods, consciously breathe throughout your day, you are helping your qi to function optimally. However, if you choose to get a couple of hours of sleep, wake up, eat a donut, go to work, sit in front of your computer all day, don’t stretch, eat perhaps McDonalds for lunch, go home, sit in front of the TV, have a few beers, this is not optimum for our qi. Some of us will crash faster than others, but the effects will accumulate over time, and you will not be living the most optimum you can within your body.
It is important to be aware and respectful of the qi within your own body, as well as the rest of the planet. Nourish it well and you will be nourished back. Some ways to nourish include: yoga, tai chi, qi gong, organic foods, meditation, and overall balance in life. The link I am including is to You Tube and is a longish video, but perhaps one of the most poignant demonstrations of qi by a true master on the planet. I truly hope you take the ten minutes to watch it. As always, if you are in question if your qi is moving and running well in your body, please call.
Every now and again, you find someone with a passion for helping others. You are such a person and professional. Since my teen years, I have suffered with dizziness that struck without warning and greatly impacted my daily activities and life. Thanks to your persistence, expertise and dedication to a solution, life is great!
- Jean Hogan, Portland, OR