We all know that a diet rich in whole grains, a variety of fruits and vegetables and low in red meats is good for us. This wholesome balance nourishes our bodies and provides our cells with the nutrients needed for healthy functioning. Olive oil can be part of this healthy balance as well. There was a recent study in Europe that found that people who lived in Southern Europe who had a diet rich in olive oil had a lower occurrence of cancer rates than those in Northern Europe. This is attributed to the antioxidant compounds found in olive oil that are called phenols. Oxidation in the body can lead to a variety of diseases including cancer. This is great news for olive oil lovers! As always though, a varied diet along with exercise and reduction in stress is the key to promoting healthy balance in your life and body.
"I look forward to my visits with Stephanie. They are the highlight of my
work week, and the only time I get to completely relax. Stephanie takes a
holistic, thoughtful approach, and truly cares about her patients".
- K